7 Successful Ways for Motivating Remote Employees

Teams from the same office are finding themselves divided in time and space. Due to the urgent need for flexible work plans, axing the office costs, and the need to draw from a distant talent pool, telecommuting has very much increased. Nevertheless, working from home comes with a fresh challenge of motivating remote employees. Though... Continue Reading →

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5 Scenic Campgrounds near Ottawa

Ottawa City, Canada's capital, is surrounded by epic landscapes that offer the most serene camping spots to escape the hustle-bustle of the city. The Fall offers the most conducive weather for camping, especially the cool days and the natural sights.  The choice of campground depends on the length of your getaway and the distance you're... Continue Reading →

Proposal Rejected

Dear Suitor? Your proposal to be the spouse of Nelly Charity Sirma was declined. We celebrate your iron will notwithstanding.  From your submissions, I and the mother of your star have unanimously agreed that you are of a sound financial health, to keep the jewel in question, appeased. However, there's a reservation. Your reference to... Continue Reading →

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